singer songwriter
Susan Raven Susan Raven Susan Raven Susan Raven Susan Raven Susan Raven Susan Raven Susan Raven Susan Raven
singer songwriter

Forthcoming Events

Engaging with Nature, Self and Spirit

A workshop using the 6 basic exercises offered by Rudolf Steiner to engage with life as a pathway of development and connection.

At Lower Barton Farm, Nether Cerne, Dorchester, DT2 7AJ
(what three words)
On the weekend of the 18th & 19th of May 2024
Starts on Saturday at 9.30am, ends on Sunday at 4pm.

“The Nature Spirits are waiting to be reunited with us, and as emissaries of higher spiritual beings, they wish to be of great assistance to us at this time, but we have to step into their world and meet them in their own territory. It is time to engage in dialogue and relearn a living world wisdom from the elemental kingdom.” * Nature Spirits: The Remembrance

Nature speaks and everything in Nature is communicable. The intelligent beings of Nature wish to communicate and co-create with an awake and aware humanity. So how do we contact them? How do we learn from them? How do we enter the dream-time of their world? How do we interpret the sensations we experience with them? And how are we transformed by our meeting with them?

At this gathering we will be exploring the methods used for seership and communication described by the philosopher, scientist and seer, Rudolf Steiner. We will be focusing on ways in which we can build a mutually rewarding line of communication with the nature spirits, in order that we may receive information and insight into their world. By working together with the elementals - which reside in earth, water, air and fire - we can become responsible co-creators at this critical time in our evolution. In this workshop Susan will be describing the activities of the nature spirits in the landscape, in plants and in the human being. We will be looking at ways in which we can effectively help these generous inhabitants of the supersensible realm for the ultimate benefit of us all.

During the weekend we will be exploring:
1. Rudolf Steiner's 'Six Essential Exercises' for awakening supersensible perception, with special emphasis on control of thinking and control of feeling. (It is more important to be in a state of Grace than to be 'right' if you wish to enter the realm of the nature spirits!)
2. The significance of colour on the inner and outer screen.
3. The language of sense, sound and movement.
4. Protocols for greeting and questioning the nature spirits.
5. Ways in which the human being can help the elementals return to their right and proper sphere.

£110 Early Bird (ends April 30th)
£125 from 1st May
Early booking recommended as places are limited

For more information about the course or to book a place, please contact Susan.

Susan Raven is an experienced workshop facilitator and a long time student of Anthroposophy. She has worked with the methods and exercises described by Rudolf Steiner for seeing into the supersensible realms, and has also trained with Dorian Schmidt, director of the Biodynamic Research Institute.Susan is author of the popular book 'Nature Spirits: The Remembrance: A guide to the Elemental Kingdom', featured in the Cygnus magazine, Nexus, Star & Furrow and Caduceus.


Terms and Conditions

During the workshop there will be time spent in meditation and time spent out on the land. While every care and attention will be given to each attendee, participants are required to gauge the extent of their own capacities and to be mindful of their own well-being, both mentally and physically.

Once payment is made for a place on the workshop, refunds due to a cancellation can be given up to two weeks prior to the start date. Following that, there can be no refund unless the free space is taken by a new participant.

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